Entertaining, Thought-Provoking Theater

Home to more than 64,000 people, Georgetown County has a unique and compelling story to tell. Georgetown Tidal Tales is a program that illuminates the area’s history, culture, and community through the telling of true stories by its residents. The debut show is January 25, 2025, at the historic Winyah Auditorium in downtown Georgetown.

Here’s how it works. Georgetown Tidal Tales announces the theme for its upcoming show, and community members “pitch” their stories in a brief email to the program Curator, Janet Fricke. Janet, together with her cohorts, selects five to seven storytellers, who come in prepared to tell their true, 5-minute stories (no notes!) at a Zoom rehearsal “workshop,” where the stories will be presented to the other storytellers and finessed.

Next, it’s on to the show! Georgetown Tidal Tales will be presented at Winyah Auditorium to a supportive and local audience at a nominal price–just $10 per ticket. We intend to solicit audience members to nominate a local nonprofit to receive any proceeds (after operating costs are covered) of the night’s program on the evening of the show. During intermission, audience members will put their favorite nonprofit’s name into a hat. Alternatively, we will partner with a local nonprofit whose mission dovetails with the show’s particular theme prior to the show, and again, that nonprofit would receive any proceeds after operating costs are covered.

There will be a house band, of course, because music has a way of both energizing and calming us. All in all, Georgetown Tidal Tales will be an evening like no other.

Is it captivating theater? Yes. Is it an evening of powerful community-building? Yes. Will you experience an unprecedented depth and range of emotions? Yes.

Thank you for your interest in Georgetown Tidal Tales. We look forward to seeing you at our first show.

Georgetown Tidal Tales is grateful to Shirley Fee Tibbets for its excellent logo design!